Drainage kit: postoperative prevention devices

kit drenaggio

When undergoing surgery, whether it is life-saving or cosmetic, it is important to remember that the operation does not end when the patient leaves the operating room and wakes up. On the contrary, the postoperative period is often the most risky, with infections, abscesses, and various complications being among the primary causes of prolonged hospital stays. One of the most common issues is the accumulation of excess fluid (exudates) and gas in the tissues affected by the surgery. If not properly managed, these can pose significant risks to the patient. To prevent these potential complications, the use of postoperative drainage kits has been a standard practice for years.

What is the drainage kit?

When people talk about a drainage kit, they often refer to a drainage tube connected to a reservoir. This device is used after surgery to remove excess fluid from the affected site, either through constant suction or gravity drainage.

Prophylactic or precautionary drainage

When used as a precautionary measure, a drainage kit serves several crucial functions: decompressive action (preventing the accumulation of fluids, gases, or other bodily substances), drainage (preventing infection by removing pathological fluids from the body), and a “tell-tale” function (allowing the surgeon to monitor the nature of the extracted fluids). This last function is particularly important as it provides insight into the postoperative course, enabling assumptions about the patient’s condition after the operation. For instance, the appearance of dark exudate and/or pus, even long after surgery, may indicate an infection. Similarly, the presence of large amounts of blood or blood appearing late can signal a hemorrhage.

Therapeutic drainage

This type of drainage allows for the confirmation or refutation of diagnoses and can also be positioned to perform cavity lavage with medications. Additionally, it can improve the patient’s condition and symptoms simply by being in place, as seen in cases like pneumothorax, where it enhances respiratory capacity.

Postoperative drainage kit: utilities and advantages

Considering what has been said so far, we can summarize that the drainage kit makes it possible to:

  • Drain excess fluid and gas (physiological or pathological)
  • Preventing hematomas and small effusions
  • Prevent hemorrhage by promoting hemostasis
  • Safeguard the tightness of sutures
  • Operate lavage (including with drugs) directly into affected tissues
  • Assess the fluid or gas drained
  • Restore the natural negative pressure within the pleura

How the Securmed drainage kit is composed

The Securmed drainage kit is made from sterile, biocompatible, hypoallergenic, and transparent silicone, enabling clinicians to assess the characteristics of the drained fluid easily. The drainage tubes are designed to minimize the risk of obstruction and adhesion to tissues, without interfering with the natural processes of healing and coagulation.

The trocar needle included in the Securmed drainage kit is made of stainless steel with a sharp end for precise insertion, ensuring optimal tissue perforation while minimizing trauma and the risk of pressure sores.

For collecting drained fluids, the Securmed silicone bulb is crafted entirely from medical-grade silicone. It features a smooth, oval-shaped reservoir that provides constant suction and is equipped with a check valve to prevent the reflux of fluids and the risk of retrograde infections. The bulb can also be fitted with a drain valve, allowing it to be connected to a drainage bag for clean and safe emptying.

Securmed and Numantec

Safety, reliability, and quality are the primary goals of Securmed. The company aims to enhance the quality of life for both patients and healthcare providers through medical-surgical devices that are increasingly safe, high-performance, and comfortable. By continually developing its products to be more practical and user-friendly, Securmed supports physicians, surgeons, and healthcare personnel in their mission to care for people.